the Jackson County Pound when we visited in early June.

Ticks!! Gage after his first bath 30 days later.
The pictures that you are looking at is 57 ticks ( and still counting) in the toilet bowl that was taken off of ONE dog. The top picture is what he looked like when we went to see him at the Jackson County Pound, in Jackson Alabama. The picture to the right is what he looked like after Lisa rescued him from the pound 30 days later. He has a urinary track infection, treatable mange and close to 20 pounds under weight.
Dogs are pulled when both rescues have openings. Laura's Hope Rescue sent flea and tick treatment to Lisa to help treat the dogs in the pound. However, Lisa'a access to the dogs is limited at times. But to date they have rescued over 200 dogs.
Consider helping us by becoming a foster. Sometimes we only need a foster for a few weeks, other times it could be longer. If you cannot foster maybe you could help us in other ways such as leash, food, flea and tick donations. Both shelters work on a shoe string budget. Please contact us anytime. We would appreciate your help.
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