Friday, July 16, 2010


Chester was an 8 year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever who was rescued from the pound by Happy Tails Rescue (HTR) in Alabama. The picture to the left is when we were in Alabama and visited Chester at the pound.

The top picture is him after Lisa rescued him from the pound one month later. Chester was having problems breathing and had over 60 ticks on him. ( see the tick below his eye!) HTR took him to the vet who said his immune system was compromised and his ears were so infected they would never heal. They estimated he would only live 6-12mos. The Jackson City pound failed to take care of him (and all the other dogs for that matter). A simple tick and flea treatment would have probably saved his life.

Chester was euthanized by the vet today. Thank you Lisa, for getting him out of there even if it was for a little while.. Chester learned someone loved him.

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