Monday, May 3, 2010


Sylvia is an 8 week old Australian Shepperd/Chocolate Lab mix. She is black and white. She weighs 10 pounds. Sylvia is a very sweet and easy going puppy. She loves to play with the other dogs.

- By Sabryna Alley


Sylvia has recently been adopted. She was adopted by E. Gallaghar and family. We hope you like your new home Sylvia.

- By Sabryna Alley



It was nice meeting you (& the brood). Even though we haven't had her long, I wanted to give you a quick update on Sylvia. She has a vet appt scheduled on June 2nd. She's adjusting very well and I think she likes it here as much as we like having her here. Her first two nights were very quiet. Of course I slept on a mattress with her in her room. It's my son's turn tonight and then we'll try it on her own.

She is still very calm when held, but she is definitely active when on her own. She loves our cats, but unfortunately the feeling isn't mutual. We're introducing her to the neighborhood, both people and dogs, as she seems very comfortable with people but not so much with many other things. She is very skittish of noises and seeing dogs at a distance. We've walked her on the leash down to my mom's for a visit (her cat was not fond of Sylvia either).

In typical lab fashion, she chews on anything and everything, with a preference to shoes and not her puppy approved toys. In Aus. Shepard fashion, she likes to grab at your pants when you walk/run with her. We're getting the best of both worlds here. She's doing a pretty good job of listening to no when she is trying to "herd us".

The kids love her, and she's very good with Jordan. I think she is going to be a great addition to our home. We'll keep you updated as she grows. Oh, and she gives the best kisses!


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